Gaming On:Ridiculous Fishing and Ninja Fishing

"I'm fishing...zzz"  

so,little BillyChan fall asleep while waiting for fish bite the bait

and hello I guess? I'm Billy too!! from Ridiculous Fishing

"I like to fishes like a champ,not a boss"

hey,I'm not good at blogging!! I should left this work for little BillyChan!!

*Few hour later*
Little BillyChan wake up by the fishing rod,which shaking and making the noise
on the boat,when he pull up the fishing rod..instead getting a fish he got this:

Ridiculous Fishing
iOS 5.0 or above
Size:48.6 MB

Billy's Rating: 8/10
Billy's comment:
"This is not why I give 8 out of 10 point just because got my name on the game..the reason is the game is AWESOME!! BANG BANG!!"
If this game on your iPhone,iPod touch or iPad,your iDevice now should call the device with the most awesome game! 
I spend $2.99 on this game and it seriously can kill a lot of time,
I went to dinner ceremony just after purchased this game..I feel like I sitting there just like 30-min while I'm busy fishing and shooting the fish at the sky,my parent say that ceremony have ended 10-min ago

"right here!! and right there!! bang bang!!"

every stage got it own 'boss',it at the ocean floor,try your best to reach there
and the best part of the game is..the credit
this is the only game I saw the whole credit without like want to skip it cause it got comic

by the way,it a touching story tear come out when I saw the credit's comic
another best part that I forget to mentioned,is the game soundtrack
it sound like 8-bit game but it very nice + very creepy = don't mess with this game,this game teach you 'how to make real Music'

when your bait went down,the music is normal
but when fish bite the bait and ready to go up to the surface the music sound like went backward

here some example:

"when bait goes down"

"going up!"

For more info or more about the soundtrack visit Ridiculous Fishing's [Homepage]
Ninja Fishing
iOS 4.3 or above
Size:49.9 MB

Android version 2.2 or above
Size:60 M

Billy's Rating:6/10

Similar to Ridiculous Fishing,
but this game make you feel like Ridiculous Fishing + Fruit Ninja = Ninja Fishing

"the boat going to sink!"

Ninja fishing got a lot of type of fishes,I just download it and do my stuff quickly purchased some in-app purchase to finish one stage to understand the whole gameplay lol

When I trying the game after in-app purchase,I went all the way down around 1,3000 m I saw cthulhu
I was like seriously? cause in the morning start making about Ridiculous Fishing I went search Google about some sea monster,the 1st thing came out of my mind is cthulhu.. later in the game I saw him again LOL

"awwh Cthulhu" 

base on the wikia(link given above),there say:
"The Othulhu is basically a light green-colored octopus, resembling a [mammoth]"
 -Ninja Fishing Wikia(Othulhu)

there nothing like a mammoth LOL

anyway,back to the Ridiculous Fishing you use gun to shoot the fish,in Ninja Fishing you use katana like Fruit Ninja

"where are those fruits?"

So,what you waiting for? start fishing :D