Gaming On:Make It Rain: The Love of Money

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"We're RICH NOW!!"

sorry,'s true that I just download this game at afternoon,and now I just update the 3rd post that I miss
it's too addicting for me OMG! I can't stop right now

Make It Rain,The Love Of Money
[FREE! iTunes] requires iOS 6 or above 
[FREE! Google Play] requires 2.3.3 or above

Billy's Rating: 7/10
Billy's Comment: "just like old BCPY song!-wink wink- try guess what song it is"

The gameplay is simple,back to the old game,where you pull toilet paper..this you just 'throw' the money out

at first,I thought the game was telling me 'how long I can 'hold still' without touching the money' but then I mis-read what it say lol

it's fun tho,it's just like you saving the money then you become some kind of millionaire,just for few hour!
you can spent the money on upgrade,such as piggy bank! earn money without swiping the money,or upgrade the value of the money you swipe and earn

but,watch out!  sometime FBI come and investigate you for reason,'how do you earn that much of money per second?' and spin the wheel for your punishment

but there a weird lesson that teach us in this game...
"Great Bribe!"

They told us to bribe the FBI and keep our money lol,so,what you waiting for? go ahead and try this game,swipe some money for your friend! and everyone!!!

Video:A dubstep surprise on an ice cold day

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I made this for Thursday post,but I forgot about it lol
so,behind this story about 'why do I remade this video'

I was doing my homework,in front my computer so,I start up YouTube for listen some song..and I looking at 9gag to kill some times,scroll halfway then I saw this video in gif,I stop the YouTube that I listen to and search the video

then I try to make it how do I saw it in video to share with you guys..but its kinda fail xDD
enjoy :33

Wednesday! Talk About Those Facts:Something Similar At Taiwan

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"Taipei 101,its beautiful!"

yes,recently just got back from Taiwan,maybe like 2 week ago
photo will upload right here soon,as I mention at the last post about photography

and by the way,today is Saturday,BCPY day off,but I have to make 3 post today to replace that 3 day I miss to post,so
let get started!

When I was there that day,I visited several 'mini zoo' so,I'll talk about 2 'mini zoo' I went
one of the zoo got alpaca

ya..something like this but this just your exception..reality "I don't know" some is cute tho
the other zoo,got tons flocking sheep,they always watching you any step you go
but some of them don't care and keep eating the grass

I saw Thailand's lantern festival before,its beautiful as hundred of flying lantern was sent out to the night sky
but I feel 'awkward' at Taiwan when tour guide mention this to me, "we usually 'fly' it at afternoon"
I was like "wait!,we getting set it..on a bright day?" and yes,it the middle of railroad! but it's ok I just going to took a photo then I hear a train horn and I quickly move backward "scary moment of my life" lol

and lastly,this facts is true,every step you walk,you able to found a new Wi-Fi 'location' like on sidewalk,on bus,taxi..everywhere! but,I didn't try to connect,cause my sister and I was too busy to 'search' Tower of Saviors x BigBang on every public buses

Video:..201v short trailer

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This video made by me,yesterday as I watched and edited..everything turn bad due to a sad mood
so,you can see how my editing skill turn out very bad..and seriously,sorry for Version Triple I

What:Some Little (still) Update

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Hello again!
you you think i'm lazy again? xD

but honestly,yes I am lol

cause I still updating version 201V,making the video of it
and trying to make mobile site 'more pretty' by the way

Let's head to our point of this update/post

  • About the 'How:Winterboard' post
the bad news is..for some acceptable reason,I had to 'stop' it for few day/month
for example: [How:To Make Custom Sound!! With Winterboard (Winterboard Tutorial Part 1)]
the tutorial I show is based on iOS 5,after few day iOS 7 release and I had to stop the tutorial cause what the point if I write another post based on iOS 5/6 while people are using iOS 7

but the good news is,now I can teach you/write another post for winterboard based on iOS 7
so,give me some times to think what I going to teach next

  • 'Video:' post?
Ya! some surprised to my fans! there is a 'Video:' post here,cause sometimes on YouTube is hard to find me :P

  • Last notice of future update
The last thing going to write here is,in the future..I might post photo of the month which taken by You,yes You,my fans! right here! in a tab where you and mine photo were show to everyone your photography skill..

so go check it out so new update at:
update history (if you miss the last update) or at the bottom 'What Billy Say'

What:Version 201V

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Welcome to the latest version of 201V!

after today's hard-work of updating the latest version,I still have thing to do,such as make a video about 'why do I change to 201v'

and I did this yesterday,

and yes,I'm very sorry about Version Triple I which I fail very badly
due to it's template is very confusing to everyone

oh yea,by the way,the green icon on the top left of this post,is BillyChan Pwned You's latest home screen icon
go ahead and try 'add to home screen' or 'add to favorite' at your device (android user I'm not sure xD)

so,that all for today cause still need to do something :P busy busy

once again,thank for supporting BillyChan Pwned You

Ice Shower (ice bucket challenge)

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Ya,no one talk about ice bucket challenge in my college,and I gotta 'start' it out xD
and behold for next update!

Before that,thanks for still supporting BCPY
the next update will be in different look due to the template messy look and I might think there people dislike this template

thank again :)