Late Update: New Blogger!

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"Where do you go?"

I not going anywhere, but I would like to thanks everyone who enjoy reading my last post
[Tour:Viet Nam]. In the meantime, I got to thinking that some people not enjoy reading but like to what inside.. and of course picture!

Several thing I didn't do in the blog are;
  • Use or make new template for it, cause I wanna make some sort like photography album and its template currently using from Blogger
  • Write post on it, but I post image on it, I don't know but maybe every Thursday
  • Do any special update on it

But my point is, I'd like to contact by my viewer for photoshoot or filming a video. And also I doing freelancing (Sorry, Malaysian only I believed) So, make sure check out at []'s menu bar

Bonus: Question
Q: So, you quitting BCPY?