Gaming News: Will Pokemon GO worth to play?

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"I wanna be the very best!!"

Hey it's saturday and this might our new post of BCPY, Gaming News every saturday or I might change to other days. Let's talk about Pokemon GO, and before I start the post I might ruin your mood to play Pokemon GO.. I repeat MIGHT but if I do hurt your feeling so ya.. Sorry 

Here the trailer, if you wanna be the very best, 

When this trailer release, everyone's mind blown!! like "OMG OMG OMG!! POKEMON IN REAL LIFE!!"
I didn't see the trailer since just now but I usually search Google, about this as my 'news' resource and I found:

Pokémon Go will be available in 2016 for iOS and Android — 20 years after the original Pokémon games. The game will be free to play, with various in-app purchases available. A price for the Pokémon Go Plus watch hasn't been set. -[The Verge, Pokémon Go for iOS and Android brings Pokémon into the real world]
And I did share the trailer to Facebook, mention it to my girlfriend. After few days Facebook full of POKEMON GO. I was like "we still got a year to wait what's the matter spamming it so early?"

Until just now I saw this on my Facebook News Feed

I don't know about you, but some people might got rage quit after see the images
This making me not really excited about Pokemon GO. They can clearly tell us "What if we have to pay for the pokeballs?" and of course, people in Facebook got their thinking and start to comment some of them are acceptable and some of them.. making you feel you wan to destroy your computer

Long story short, I know many peoples love Pokemon series, but business is business they MIGHT do In-app purchase (IAP) stuff like that. Pokemon GO for me are not WORTH to play, let's face it. Pokemon GO is a smartphone game that you can catch pokemon like last few year's Google Maps easter egg so it's confirm require your GPS and data for IAP, and about IAP you'll need to buy Pokeball and other things. 

"I'll quit if every time I must buy a pokeball" Okay, how about we'll free you a pokeball each day? But seriously I might enjoy few days of it and its taking all my wallet money from IAP and data

But that's all for today, forgive me for anything you don't like how I say about it cause everyone got their's choice to pick

This is first post of Gaming News, thing might see messy, contain text of wall but I'll improve soon! Thanks for reading