What:Some Little (still) Update

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Hello again!
you you think i'm lazy again? xD

but honestly,yes I am lol

cause I still updating version 201V,making the video of it
and trying to make mobile site 'more pretty' by the way

Let's head to our point of this update/post

  • About the 'How:Winterboard' post
the bad news is..for some acceptable reason,I had to 'stop' it for few day/month
for example: [How:To Make Custom Sound!! With Winterboard (Winterboard Tutorial Part 1)]
the tutorial I show is based on iOS 5,after few day iOS 7 release and I had to stop the tutorial cause what the point if I write another post based on iOS 5/6 while people are using iOS 7

but the good news is,now I can teach you/write another post for winterboard based on iOS 7
so,give me some times to think what I going to teach next

  • 'Video:' post?
Ya! some surprised to my fans! there is a 'Video:' post here,cause sometimes on YouTube is hard to find me :P

  • Last notice of future update
The last thing going to write here is,in the future..I might post photo of the month which taken by You,yes You,my fans! right here! in a tab where you and mine photo were show to everyone your photography skill..

so go check it out so new update at:
update history (if you miss the last update) or at the bottom 'What Billy Say'