BCPY forum was born
here some preview (Click image for enlarge)
this is the Sign Up/log in page you will see
this after you sign in/sign up
this is our post/topic
- News
- Special Announce
- [Rules]
- Report
- Suggestion
- Cafe~
- ChitChat
- Let's play game
- Sharing is caring (video/tutorial)
- Workshop
- Request (Forum Signature)
so,other people might help you finish it
I would like to say,try to get the 'points' and the 'reputation' to 5,000/5k
I will might send some T-shirt for ya as a prize ^^
here the link to the [forum]
!UPDATE!:Blogger viewer (Which mean BCPY's viewer) joining there got free 100 points for free!
!UPDATE!:Blogger viewer (Which mean BCPY's viewer) joining there got free 100 points for free!
your name will change orange after join the group
"Pink is the only color that you can see clearly LOL"
how to get more point:start posting some post or visit other people's post
> w < and thank for joining there