and yea,I (BillyChan) say this is 2nd season/season 2 of Gaming On:Something
I supposed to upload the preview of my gameplay on today's game
but anyway,I will upload soon xD (my 'not so pro' gameplay preview)
So,today we going to play DJ MAX RAY!
do you like DDR or other music-type game?
or do you wan improve your typing speed? or even wan your finger pain as mine?
you got the right game to play :D
[DJ MAX RAY by Neowiz] Free
for me(Billy) this game is the Best Rhythm/Music Game you must to download/play/install? it
hard or easy? both enter = extreme
seriously,there no game can beat DJ MAX RAY on my iPhone
I got DDR,Instagram,Asphalt 7,NFS most wanted...hold on..why I got racing game on this list?
"DDR,Instagram,that better :DAsphalt 7,NFS most wanted"
I give (5/5) point for DJ MAX RAY
(Gameplay Preview upload here later)