Weird Thing At Google(map) (3)

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Hey Guy!! Still tune on my facebook for my newest video about google easter egg...
but today I got some link to you to get fun b4 I make video (Some LINK!)

when you enter,think what you want to SEARCH..then click the circle

2.For the user who use should wake up on 3.14pm
did you get tired with your theme there? like sea monster? UFO in city?
but did you really wake up on 3.14pm??? (video proof next time)

3.type this on (any location,like india or something..but off auto search)

  1. google loco
  2. google gothic
  3. where is chuck norris
then click on I FEELING LUCKY...(1 by 1 dont be greedy)

4.[The number of horns on a unicorn] <- click on it,then u will see what happen

5.[The loneliest number] <- click on it,then u will see what happen

for more check out my video link below!
[Weird Thing I Found At Google(map)]
[Weird Thing I Found At Google(map) 2]
[Weird Thing I Found At Google 3]!NEW! Added On (23-3-2011)

So,that I post for today..and still tune on facebook for the part 3!

[My Facebook]